Monday, February 23, 2009

car rumbles

So, today, I had to pick up my old taurus to get the license plates renewed. I haven't driven it since the end of October. It was really funny. So much has changed for me in that time.

When I was driving it, I started remembering what that time was like for me, oh, about a year ago. It was funny, because it was just getting dark, which reminded me of having to drive to work in the dark, I had a cup of coffee, which was always in my hand in the beginning of the night, and it was really quiet. That was a main characteristic of my night shift last year: quiet. Often, I would go to my car during my lunch break and sit in the quiet and talk to God. Talk about lonely, but something about it was nice.

I also was thinking about healing and telling someone about healing, which made me remember all the awesome/fiery teachings and podcasts that were my constant companians last year (I pray for restoration for Todd Bentley, btw, as his teachings were such a blessing to me. Thinking about it makes me sad. ).

God is doing a new thing, though! I am glad that I am no longer in the desert season, alone most of the time, working nights, and not being able to feel His presence (different story -- it's back, though!). Right before all of this changed, God told me that He was moving me into a different season. Here I am! It's good to remember what God's done, though. It makes me feel close to Him to remember all that time I spent alone with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Awww Lyss! Thank you for sharing your heart! :) Memories are good. :)
    Yes, definitely pray for Todd Bentley!
